- Youth cooperation of Dilijan NGO
- Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia
- International Center for Culture Research, Learning and Dialogue
- "Bridge to the Future" - Youth Public Union
- Culture Goes Europe
- Coobra - cooperativa braccianti
- FIRE Theatre Art Culture Foundation
- Marine Club "Friends of the Sea"
- Varna Municipality
- School 127 Ivan Denkoglu
- Udruga Zvono
- Agencija Lokalne Demokracije
- Ayuntamento de Tarancon Cuenca
- Fundacio Catalunya Voluntaria
- Fundacion Paz e Solidariedade
- GDR Valle del Guadalhorce
- Land of Harmony Foundation
- United to Act
- Mladinski Center Dravinjske Doline
- SKIS - Assoctiation of Slovenina Student Club
- Edela Eesti Arenduskeskus MTU
- Continuous Action
- Estonian UNESCO Youth Association
- Eesti People to People
- Plouguerneau's Town Council
- Point Information Jeunesse
- Academy for Peace and Development
- Millenium Georgia
- Therapeutic Ridin Association of Greece - TRAG
- Action Synergy
- Epimorfotiki Kilkis Single Member LLC
- ACRO - Active Creative Reforming Organisation
- Youth Information Center of Kordelio-Evosmos
- Stayokay Arnhem
- Hungarian Volunteer Sending Foundation
- Vicolocorto
- Campus Association
- TDM 2000 International
- Associazione Yourope Sardinia - YOUSardinia
- Associazione Giosef Italy - giovani senza frontiere
- Kivunim
- Kyriat Noar Kyriat Shmona
- Rokiskio jaunimo organizaciju sajunga "Apvalus Stalas"
- Lithuanian Academy of Phisical Education Tourism Club "ALTUS"
- Active Youth Association
- Club "The House" - Youth for the United Europe
- Volunteers Centre Skopje
- Malta UNESCO Youth Association
- Asociatia Obsteasce Medium
- A.O. Generaţia Tinerilor
- Asociatia pentru dezvoltare a sanatatii si educatiei CEDES
- Stowarzszenie Europa Naszym Domem
- Kuyavian Centre of Social Enterprise
- The College of Tourism and Ecology
- Association for Rural Tourism Development
- Europejskie Centrum Aktywnej Mlodziezy "Universe"
- Asociatia Tinerilor Activi Civic
- YOPA - Youth for Participation Association
- Free Minds Association
- Association for Promoting Youngsters from Craiova
- Centrul Multicultural Timisoara (CMT)
- Associatia Geyc
- ADAPTO - Youth Equality Promotion Association
- A.C.T.O.R. - Asociatia Culturala pentru Teatru si Origami di Romania
- Asociatia D. G. T
- Asociatia Sentire Romania
- YEE - Youth and Environment Europe
- Aegee-Moskva
- SFERA Movement
- OSMEH - Organization for Solidarity, Mobility, Ecology and Humanity of youth
- Foreningen Framtidstaget
- The Swedish Middle East & North African Group
- Batman Fen Lisesi Mezunlari Dernegi
- System and Generation Association
- Sisli Youth Council
- The Association of Young Steps
- Tekkekoy Ilçe Milli Egitlm Mudurlugu
- Manisa Valiligi Ab Proje Koordinasyon Ve Dis Iliskiler Koordinasyon Birimi
- Konya Il Mili Egitim Mudurlugu
- Sinan Goktepe
- Muge Turegun
- Youth Communication Association
- KIR-ÇED Kirsehir Youth Culture Art and Environment Protection Center
- Kayseri Youth Center Youth and Sports Club
- Mugla Gençlik Merkezi
- Adalya Youth Club
- Ukrainian Youth Centre
- AUAYC "Alternative-V"
- Institute of Ukrainian Studies